Are you Looking to Buy Aygestin (Norethindrone) from PrescriptionPoint.

(Top Brand Option)

Buy Brand Aygestin

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Aygestin 5mg 90 $197.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 5mg
Quantity: 90
Price: $197.00

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Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Tablet
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Norethindrone 5mg 30 $27.00 Add To Cart
Norethindrone 5mg 90 $59.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 5mg
Quantity: 30
Price: $27.00
Dosage: 5mg
Quantity: 90
Price: $59.00

Aygestin (norethindrone)


Aygestin is indicated for:

  • Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Helps control heavy or irregular menstrual periods by regulating the menstrual cycle.
  • Treatment of Endometriosis: Reduces the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, alleviating pain and discomfort.
  • Secondary Amenorrhea: Induces menstrual periods in women who have stopped menstruating for several months but are not pregnant or menopausal.
  • Contraception: Used in some cases to prevent pregnancy as part of a combined contraceptive regimen.

Dosage and Administration

  • Take the tablet exactly as directed by your doctor.
  • Take the tablet at the same time every day to maintain an even level of the medicine in your body.
  • Take it with or without food based on your preference.
  • Do not skip doses. Missing a dose may increase the risk of irregular bleeding or pregnancy if using contraception.
  • Do not take two tablets at once if you miss a dose. Follow your doctor’s instructions on what to do if you miss a dose.
  • Do not stop suddenly. Stopping the medication without consulting your doctor can cause withdrawal symptoms and irregular bleeding.

Mechanism of Action

Norethindrone, the active ingredient in Aygestin, is a synthetic progestin. It mimics the action of natural progesterone, a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle and maintains pregnancy. By supplementing or replacing natural progesterone, it helps to normalize menstrual cycles, reduce abnormal uterine bleeding, and alleviate symptoms of endometriosis.


  • Pregnancy: Should not be used if you are pregnant, as it can harm the fetus.
  • Liver Disease: Contraindicated in patients with liver dysfunction or disease due to potential exacerbation of the condition.
  • Hormone-Dependent Cancers: Should not be used in patients with known or suspected cancer of the breast or reproductive organs.
  • Undiagnosed Vaginal Bleeding: Avoid use if you have unexplained vaginal bleeding until a diagnosis is made.
  • History of Stroke or Blood Clots: Not recommended for individuals with a history of thromboembolic disorders.

Side Effects

Common Side Effects

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Dizziness

Serious Side Effects

  • Severe headache
  • Vision changes
  • Swelling or pain in the legs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)


  • Regular Check-ups: Schedule routine medical appointments to monitor your condition and response to the medication.
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring: Check your blood pressure regularly, as Aygestin can cause an increase in blood pressure.
  • Disclose Medical History: Inform your doctor of any personal or family history of blood clots, stroke, heart disease, or cancer.
  • Smoking: Avoid smoking, as it increases the risk of serious cardiovascular side effects, especially if you are over 35.
  • Diabetes: If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels closely, as Aygestin can affect glucose tolerance.

Storage Instructions

  • Store the tablets at room temperature, between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C).
  • Keep the medication in a dry place, away from moisture and humidity.
  • Ensure that the medication is stored securely out of the reach of children.


Additional information

Brand Name:


Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Primolut-N, Utovlan



Quantities Available:

30, 90



The information above is provided by third parties to for Aygestin (Norethindrone). This information is for general purposes only and is not intended to replace a physician's advice. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified health care professional if you need advice on any medical concerns.